Mental health
Mental health problems represent the single largest cause of disability in the UK. People can be affected by mental health problems at any point in their lives; including new mothers, children, teenagers, adults and older people. Mental health problems can also extend beyond clinically diagnosable conditions and are often strongly interrelatd with other socioeconomic factors, such as employment, debt and finance, housing, loneliness and isolation, substance misuse and physical health.
Common mental health disorders include mood disorders such as depression, and anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) estimated that almost a fifth of Londoners has a common mental health condition. In Hackney, this number is even higher, at around a quarter, while in the City of London the prevelance of common mental health conditions is much lower, at around 13%.
The term ‘Severe Mental Illness’ (SMI) covers bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, therefore not covering all severe and enduring mental illnesses. It is estimated that around 2% of Hackney and the City residents have a diagnosed SMI, but the prevalence varies by age, ethnicity and area deprivation.
Below you can find a number of documents identifying the local population needs. Please note that this list will be updated as and when the new information becomes available.
Hackney and the City of London reports
- Children and young people’s mental health 2018
- Adults Common mental health disorders 2018
- Adults Severe and enduring mental ill health 2018
- Older adults Dementia 2018
- Older adults Common and severe mental ill health 2018
- Links between physical and mental health 2018
- Autism Needs Assessment 2019
Other local strategies and plans
- City & Hackney Mental Health Strategy 2019-23
- Hackney Suicide Prevention Strategy
- City Suicide Prevention Action Plan