
Smoking remains the single biggest risk cause of premature death and disease nationally and locally, and it’s the biggest cause of inequalities in mortality rates between the richest and poorest in our communities.

Every year, smoking kills more than 100,000 people in the UK and almost 80,000 people in England. In Hackney, it is estimated that 462 deaths between 2017-19 were attributable to smoking. Across the country, for every death caused by smoking, approximately 20 smokers are living with a smoking-related disease. Tobacco smoking harms others too, through second hand smoke, while smoking in pregnancy impairs foetal growth and development and increases the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality.

It is estimated that, in England, every year smoking costs society as much as £46 billion; annual costs in Hackney and the City are estimated at £209 million. These costs are spread across health services, businesses, local government and the fire service. It is for these reasons that tobacco control remains a priority in both Hackney’s and the City’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies.

Hackney and the City of London reports

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