Supporting people in food poverty

How can we support people to get out of food poverty while also supporting their health and wellbeing needs?

Why is this important?

The numbers of people who are living in food poverty are rising, and this is a problem that is not affecting everyone equally. Children, disabled people, those from Black and mixed backgrounds and those without work are much more likely to experience food insecurity than other groups in the population. This mixed picture is reflected in the communities of City & Hackney.


The MATCH Food Poverty programme area brought together statutory and voluntary sector partners working to support Hackney’s most vulnerable residents experiencing food crisis and food poverty. The programme facilitated partners to come together and explore how to tackle this challenge by sharing data and insight, including insight from residents, understanding what works well and what doesn’t, and identifying ideas for change.

Making the change

Through this process, partners chose four key areas for change:

  1. Projects that link residents and community food providers with guidance, training and support on nutrition, health and wellbeing
  2. Projects that deliver cooking classes to youth clubs
  3. Projects that produce evidence and research and give greater insight into food poverty and/or food pantry models
  4. Projects that build business models for sustainable food distribution

Partners who participated within the programme were invited to apply to the fund to deliver projects that were a fit with the four change areas above. Three projects were funded and are being delivered in 2024/25.

Skills for Life: Cooking club for young people and their families

Young people and their families are invited to join the Chatsworth Youth Clubs Cooking Classes every Wednesday until June 2025 to learn how to shop for, budget and cook nutritious meals together with peers and family. Once a month classes are led by a visiting nutritionist who can provide advice and support with nutrition that suits budgets, goals and lifestyles.

To learn more or get involved sign up on eventbrite or email Joycelyn at

Bloom: Community Vegbox Scheme

The first of its kind in Hackney, Bloom is a vegetable box subscription scheme that offers a tiered pricing system allowing those to join who may not otherwise consider or afford a veg box scheme. The scheme puts the community at the heart of increasing access to affordable food by sourcing produce directly from wholesalers and working with community organisations and volunteers for distribution.

The scheme launched in September 2024 and will run until June 2025. More information can be found at

Food pantry at H.O.P.E

H.O.P.E runs a youth club and regular foodbank at the heart of the Morningside and Gascoyne Estate in Hackney Central. From September 2024 until June 2025 they will open and trial a new Food Pantry at the Centre, supporting those living on the estate and in surrounding areas to gain better access to affordable food and essentials. 

To learn more about the project or get involved, contact Nicolette at

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