Ward Profiles
These profiles describe the health and wellbeing of residents of Hackney by electoral ward, in the context of the wider population, including information concerning important other factors such as age, ethnicity, deprivation and population change.
Where possible, more detailed data for smaller areas (lower super output areas) is shown. Please note that the maps do not show confidence intervals and the geographical variation shown is therefore not necessarily statistically significant.
- Brownswood ward
- Cazenove ward
- Clissold ward
- Dalston ward
- De Beauvoir ward
- Hackney Central ward
- Hackney Downs ward
- Hackney Wick ward
- Haggerston ward
- Homerton ward
- Hoxton East and Shoreditch ward
- Hoxton West ward
- Kings Park ward
- Lea Bridge ward
- London Fields ward
- Shacklewell ward
- Springfield ward
- Stamford Hill West ward
- Stoke Newington ward
- Victoria ward
- Woodberry Down ward