About Us

The Population Health Hub (PHH) is a shared, system resource which aims to support the City & Hackney Place based Partnership (PbP) and wider system partners to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of our population.

We support the City and Hackney Place Based Partnership (PbP) vision:

“Working together with our residents to improve health and care, address health inequalities and make City and Hackney thrive”

How to get in touch

If you would like to get in touch with us please email phh@cityandhackneyph.hackney.gov.uk. If you would like to put forward a project to work on together please complete this short enquiry form.

Our key objectives

Focus areas – what we can support with

We are a small team that works to proactively identify what the system needs and we also work in partnership on requests for support from stakeholders across the system. We have six focus areas where we can provide support to teams:

We also work to ‘matchmake’ across the system, ensuring projects and stakeholders are joined up and co-ordinated, as far as possible.

Our work involves leading on the delivery of key population health initiatives and projects, working to involve residents and communities, influencing departments and organisations across City and Hackney and supporting the development and implementation of both health and wellbeing strategies. You can find out more from our prospectus.

We produce an impact report each year with details of support we have provided to partners, teams and the C&H partnership; and what we are aiming to do in the coming year. Click below for more details.

Our team

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